Quad Pair (QP) is a trading tool in the Arbinox system for arbitrage trading.
Important! Quad Pair (QP) is one of the most important elements of the Arbinox trading system
Quad Pair consists of 2 exchanges and 2 cryptocurrencies.
The first exchange + a pair of cryptocurrencies (the trading instrument of the first exchange) + the second exchange + a pair of cryptocurrencies (the trading instrument of the second exchange).
The QP system looks like this:
In fact, Quad Pair are equivalent trading instruments traded on different cryptocurrency exchanges.
As an example, in the Arbinox Quad Pair BNNC-BITF BTC-USD system, this is the difference in Bitcoin (BTC) / (USDT) Tether rates between the Binance (BNNC) and Bitfinex (BITF) exchanges.
The difference in rates is called – “Arbitrage Spread” and is presented as a percentage.
Thus, the trading value of a Quad Pair is the difference in rates between two exchanges for the same trading instrument, presented in percentage terms and called Arbitrage Spread.
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